The shift towards value-based care models is reshaping priorities, emphasizing the need for precise, results-oriented healthcare delivery that can be quantified, shared, and analyzed across stakeholders. Advanced analytics and reporting tools are pivotal in meeting these demands, allowing healthcare providers and payors to effectively improve patient outcomes and operational efficiencies. Leap Metrics’s Sevida platform is at the forefront of this transformation, demonstrating how innovative technology can support these goals by effectively closing care gaps through strategic data management and analytics.

Tailored Reporting for Payor Requirements in Healthcare

Sevida by Leap Metrics offers specialized reporting capabilities designed to meet the unique needs of payors. It starts by seamlessly integrating with any source of data, regardless of format or protocol. This includes everything from claims data provided by payors to more current encounter data from Electronic Health Records (EHRs). This adaptability in data integration is essential for forming a comprehensive view of patient health and ensuring continuous care.

Strategic Data Analysis for Closing Care Gaps

Sevida excels at transforming raw data into actionable insights. It processes data from routine screenings into supplemental data, crucial for identifying and addressing care gaps. This capability includes the automated ingestion of supplemental data, enhancing the accuracy of care quality assessments. Such features ensure that every piece of clinical data is utilized to its fullest potential, improving patient care and outcomes.

Holistic Data Aggregation for Comprehensive Health Insights

Through extensive data aggregation, Sevida provides payors with a complete perspective on patient health. This perspective is essential for identifying gaps in care, such as missed screenings or management of chronic diseases. This broad visibility is vital for advancing value-based care, as it directly impacts the management of population health and individual patient care plans.

Real-Time Analytics for Proactive Healthcare Management

Sevida’s real-time analytics continuously process and examine data, delivering timely insights that can be accessed through various methods including dashboard notifications, email, and text alerts. This ensures that critical information is promptly available to healthcare providers, enhancing the timeliness and effectiveness of healthcare services.

Predictive Modeling and Custom Reporting Tools Powered by AI

At the heart of Sevida’s advanced capabilities lies its AI-powered predictive modeling, which anticipates future care gaps based on historical data and patient behavior. This foresight allows providers and payors to manage patient care proactively, shifting from a reactive to a proactive approach in healthcare.

Sevida’s reporting tools are customizable, allowing payors to focus on specific insights like quality metrics and indicators of population health. These reports are crucial for monitoring the success of interventions to close care gaps and are invaluable for assessing the effectiveness of programs and contracts associated with population health initiatives.


Sevida by Leap Metrics is a leading technology solution that supports value-based care through sophisticated analytics and reporting. By enabling the integration of diverse data sources, providing real-time analytics, and utilizing AI-driven insights, Sevida empowers healthcare leaders to make informed decisions that enhance patient care, improve health outcomes, and streamline healthcare delivery. As the healthcare sector continues its shift towards value-based models, the capabilities provided by Sevida are set to become the standard for successful, proactive patient care management.

About Leap Metrics

Leap Metrics is a mission-driven organization dedicated to empowering healthcare to better care for every life through advanced, AI-driven care management, healthcare analytics, and data management solutions.